I always feel that I should pass on some words of wisdom in my blog. Unfortunately with age comes gray hair, baldness, stiff joints, but no guarantee of wisdom.
However, I have become opinionated and am willing to share my views with the world. This process of writing for a blog has shown me that I like poetry, but have few axes to grind so I write what I please and hope someone enjoys it. So here are three poems not related in any way except that they were what I wanted to write.
Poetry? Not For Me
Use a dollop of hubris in your poetry;
mix in some angst for authenticity;
flavor well with rancor to excoriate the soul;
top it off with melancholy to make tears roll.
A symphony of emotions from the dark side
to take one on a herky-jerky emotional ride.
Then add a bombast of superfluous words
classify it as slam—and then sell it to nerds.
Circle of Karma
If you are lowborn
or if you are noible
you are not immune
to having a foible.
For fate never gives
anybody a pass.
For each pat on the head
there's a kick in the ass.
chain of
deja vu
links forged one by one
in effort to relive the past
to say the right things to perform the proper actions
seeking a wormhole to trick time
carrying vain hope
a shackle
kill the
sad memories
for naught can change the past
shake the head, dispel the vision—
live now