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  • D. Ellsworth

Holiday Memories

Images fill my head of seasonal joy. I see a majestic pine in a high ceiling room. Excitement more electric than the colored lights. Ornaments one by one, primary color bubbles in fantastic shapes. Strings of tinsel draped singularly hanging long from boughs---moving in each draft like Spanish moss.

The fresh wood smell, the joy on spotting the cones. Pitch and sap on fingers, a wonderful cologne. The cool of the front room, a crispness of early winter, keeping the tree fresh. The tingle of cold air multiplying the electric anticipation. Lace curtains of frost across the window panes.

Breaks in putting up decorations to retire to the living room. Hot air radiating from a pot-belly stove. The smell of hot metal and coal fire. Everyone momentarily at peace and happy.

That was the opening drum roll. Then giddy secrets, cold walks for shopping, hiding to wrap presents. A crescendo that build as the gifts accumulate around the tree. Three weeks of delicious build-up.

Then Christmas morning explodes with stockings full of candy, fruits, nuts. A wonderful, magical breakfast of treats while carefully wrapped presents are rent from their paper. Then follows a full day of food and play.

May your Holidays be as wonderful as ever you remember them.

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